GCI — تقييم وسيط الفوركس ، التعليقات 2024

FSC اللائحة
MetaTrader, ActTrader, iActTrader البرمجيات
Sea Meadow House, Road Town, Tortola VG1110, B.V.I. عنوان

GCI Financial Ltd ("GCI") has been a leader in online Forex and CFD trading since 2002.   In addition to Forex, GCI offers currency options trading and is a primary market maker in Contracts for Difference ("CFDs") on shares, indices and futures. GCI has over 10,000 clients worldwide, including individual traders, institutions, and money managers. GCI provides an advanced, secure, and comprehensive online trading system. Client funds are insured and held in a separate customer account. In addition, GCI Financial Ltd maintains Net Capital in excess of most minimum regulatory requirements.

Recommend by Top Industry Participants
GCI is recommended by top industry participants and has had its market analysis featured in leading publications, including the Financial Times.  GCI's analysis also appears regularly on Multex.com and Reuters, and is subscribed to by major institutions including J.P. Morgan, HSBC Asset Management, and Goldman Sachs.

Market Experience
Becoming a GCI client means dealing with one of the most established and well-recognized firms in the industry. GCI was founded in 2002 and is one of the pioneers in online currency and CFD trading. Customer funds are segregated and insured, and dealing practices are maintained to the highest standards. Please do not hesitate to contact one of our experienced professionals to learn more, or get started now with a free practice account.  Other benefits of trading with GCI include:

Superior trading software.  The GCI trading software provides real-time prices in all major currencies, market indices, shares, and commodities.  Customers can choose from a Windows-based or Java-based version, and have access to mobile phone trading as well real-time charts and market news.  MetaTrader 4 is available to all clients with a wide variety of Expert Advisors, and the ActTrader ICTS software provides currency option trading and other advanced features.
Product Offerings.  In addition to Forex, GCI offers trading in indices, shares, and commodity CFDs.  GCI is also the first to offer online currency options trading with one-click instant fills..
Hedging Capability.  Clients can open positions in the same instrument in opposite directions, without the positions offsetting and without using additional margin.  Clients have complete control over whether they close or hedge their positions to reduce risk.
Low margin requirements.  GCI provides access to Forex, share, and index trading with margin requirements of 0.25% on Forex, 1% or less on Share Indices and commodities, and 5% on individual shares.
Safety of Funds.  Assuring client fund safety is one of the single most important factors in the financial industry. GCI Financial Ltd maintains an insurance policy on all customer funds, and has a strong balance sheet with net capital in excess of most minimum regulatory requirements.
Fast and Efficient Back Office.  GCI prides itself on speed and efficiency of opening new accounts, processing client withdrawals, and servicing introducing brokers.  Accounts can be funded via bank wire transfer, credit card, or other online payment systems.
Risk is limited to deposited funds.  GCI's sophisticated margin and dealing procedures mean that clients can never lose more than their funds on deposit.
Tools for successful trading.  GCI clients benefit from a wide array of resources to improve their trading results, including market analysis and research, free real-time charts, and free forex trading signals.

شروط وأحكام التداول GCI

Sea Meadow House, Road Town, Tortola VG1110, B.V.I.عنوان
+ 45 36 964 807هاتف مجاني
دعم على مدار 24 ساعة
برامج الشراكة
المستشارين الخبراء
التعليم المجاني
المكافآت ، والترقيات
تداول المحمول
التداول الآلي
التحليل اليومي
حساب تجريبي
تداول على مدار 24 ساعة
سلخ فروة الرأس
5الأرقام بعد النقطة في علامات الاقتباس
0.1الحد الأدنى لحجم الموقف
variableانتشار نوع
1-3انتشار PIP على التخصصات
400:1تأثير ايجابي
1000ECN, $
2000حساب قياسي, $
50حساب صغير, $
Credit Cards, PayPal, Wire Transferطرق دفع شائعة
EUR, USD, GBP, JPY, CHFعملات الحساب
Gold, Crude Oil, Indices, Optionsالصكوك الأخرى
English, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, German, Russian, French, Arabicاللغات
MetaTrader, ActTrader, iActTraderمنصات
2002تأسست في

تقييم GCI

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