MAYZUS — تقييم وسيط الفوركس ، التعليقات 2024
CySEC اللائحة
MetaTrader4/5,Mirror Trader, Currenex, One Click Trading application البرمجيات
22 Griva Digeni Avenue, Sergides Court, 3106 Neapoli Limassol, Cyprus عنوان


MAYZUS Investment Company financial trading solutions successfully combine flexibility and ease-of-use with remarkable professionalism. Our trading platforms are equally suited to beginner traders, professional clients and investors. We provide novice users with a wide range of educational materials, demo-trading accounts, LITE accounts, user-friendly applications and live 24/5 support to ensure that even beginners feel comfortable and secure while trading. For our more experienced clients we recommend REAL accounts as well as Classic and Viking Currenex accounts. A variety of trading instruments, such as 33 currency pairs, commodities, CFD Shares and Futures are indisputably assets to our offer. Additionally, our clients benefit from:

Low spreads, starting from 2 point (fixed and floating)
Leverage of up to 1:500
Low Limit and Stop levels
Generous promotions
Flexible partnership and affiliate opportunities, and much more

Thanks to our professional service and client-oriented approach, we have earned the reputation of being an outstanding Forex trading provider worldwide. Our 24/5 multilingual support department assists clients from over 150 countries.

MAYZUS Investment Company makes trading rewarding and enjoyable with its user-friendly environment, fast execution, expertise and reliability. Moreover, our clients do not have to make large deposits to enjoy considerable benefits. Our attractive promotional packages, contests and compensation services make financial trading exciting for everyone.

Thanks to our extensive daily coverage of events affecting the Forex market, our clients are always on top of the latest financial news.

Our Company strives to gain the trust and confidence of its clients and partners; this is our main priority. We guarantee that all financial transactions are performed in a strongly regulated environment in accordance with the highest safety and legal standards.

Registered as a Cyprus Investment Firm, MAYZUS Investment Company Limited is regulated by CySEC (Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission),and acts in accordance with the new MiFID(Markets in Financial Instruments Directive). In addition, MAYZUS is a member of the European Investor Compensation Fund, which enables us to guarantee that all of our client funds are secured and insured (up to 20,000 EUR).

The MAYZUS Investment Company technological infrastructure is designed to support an around-the-clock trading environment with almost 100% uptime. All of our systems are rigorously tested and connected through multiple Tier 1 Internet Service Providers, ensuring uninterrupted connectivity for our clients throughout the world.

Bonuses, Promotions:

Welcome Bonus:
Cash Back (Rebate):
STP Money Box:
ZERO fees:
Forum Promo:
Demo contest:
Birthday lottery:
Bonus Cash Out:
UWC Quick card:

شروط وأحكام التداول MAYZUS
22 Griva Digeni Avenue, Sergides Court, 3106 Neapoli Limassol, Cyprusعنوان
Cyprusمقرهاتف مجاني
دعم على مدار 24 ساعة
برامج الشراكة
المستشارين الخبراء
التعليم المجاني
المكافآت ، والترقيات
تداول المحمول
التداول الآلي
التحليل اليومي
حساب تجريبي
تداول على مدار 24 ساعة
سلخ فروة الرأس
5الأرقام بعد النقطة في علامات الاقتباس
0.01الحد الأدنى لحجم الموقف
fixed and variableانتشار نوع
انتشار PIP على التخصصات
500:1تأثير ايجابي
ECN, $
300حساب قياسي, $
25حساب صغير, $
Neteller, LibertyReserve, WebMoney, Wire Transfer, WesternUnionطرق دفع شائعة
Metals, CFD (Shares, Futures, Commodities)الصكوك الأخرى
English, German, Russian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Estonian, Chinese, Arabicاللغات
MetaTrader4/5,Mirror Trader, Currenex, One Click Trading applicationمنصات
نوع وسيط
2008تأسست في

تقييم MAYZUS

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لا تشارك في التصنيف MAYZUS

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وعلق السي الريس، رئيس تطوير الأعمال في FxPro، على عملية النقل قائلاً: "نحن متحمسون للانتقال إلى مكتبنا الجديد في دبي. ويضعنا هذا الموقع في قلب المركز المالي في المنطقة، مما يسمح لنا بخدمة عملائنا بشكل أكثر كفاءة. نحن لا نزال ملتزمين بتعزيز ظروفنا التجارية وبرنامج الشركاء، ودفع الابتكار في كل منعطف.