Sucden — تقييم وسيط الفوركس ، التعليقات 2024
FSA UK (#114239) اللائحة
Meta Trader 4 البرمجيات
Sucden Financial Limited, Plantation Place South, 60 Great Tower Street, London EC3R 5AZ Tel: +44 (0) 20 3207 5000 Fax: +44 (0) 20 3207 5010 عنوان

At Sucden Financial we have been succeeding in the Financial and Commodity Futures and Options Markets for 35 years. We are recognised as a leading Commodities and Financial Futures and Options Broker.

The Sucres et Denrées Group
Sucden Financial Limited's parent is Sucres et Denrées SA , a company incorporated in France. The Group's main activity is sugar trading, where the Group ranks amongst the world leaders with a market share of about 20% of free market volumes. The Group has operations throughout the world, including the USA, Central & South America, the Far East, Central & Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
Sucres et Denrées was founded by Maurice Varsano in 1952 and has remained a privately owned company ever since. His son, Serge Varsano is the current Chairman of the Group and majority shareholder of the Company.
Sucden Financial Limited was established in 1973 as the London brokerage arm of Sucres et Denrées and rapidly became a leading Commodity and Financial Futures and Options Brokers.

Adding Value, Seizing Opportunities
Knowledge is invaluable, but success requires expertise and innovation. Sucden Financial have the ability to interpret information quickly and accurately, decisions can be made more efficiently to exploit changes in the global markets. This is why Sucden Financial can help you succeed in the often volatile Futures and Options Market Place.

Global reach, Local Presence
As an international firm with a global reach Sucden Financial Limited is the broker of first choice for a diverse range of clients. From producers to fund managers, merchants to consumers and arbitrageurs, at Sucden Financial we have the trading solution to suit your needs. Sucden Financial's dealers service your needs, whenever the European, American and Asian markets are open.

In order to more effectively serve our International Clients, Sucden Financial has international branches in France, Hong Kong, the Netherlands and a representative Office in Russia.

Sucden Financial
Client Focus, Personalised service
In rapidly moving markets there is no room for error. This is why Sucden Financial is committed to giving all our customers our undivided attention every step of the way. An experienced dealer extends a tailored and personalised service to ensure the optimum trading solution for you. In addition, a nominated account manager will address your documentation requirements. This combination of service, technology, flexibility and experience makes our back office service second-to-none.

Market Insight, Informed Decisions
We aim to provide all our clients, whether institutional, corporate or an individual with up-to-date and comprehensive market views and monthly research. If it is movements on the FTSE or the next forecast on Coffee, Sucden Financial will provide you with a high level information service, designed for your needs.

شروط وأحكام التداول Sucden
Sucden Financial Limited, Plantation Place South, 60 Great Tower Street, London EC3R 5AZمقر
+44 (0) 20 3207 5000هاتف مجاني
دعم على مدار 24 ساعة
التعليم المجاني
تداول المحمول
تداول على مدار 24 ساعة
الأرقام بعد النقطة في علامات الاقتباس
الحد الأدنى لحجم الموقف
انتشار نوع
1-2انتشار PIP على التخصصات
200:1تأثير ايجابي
ECN, $
250حساب قياسي, $
250حساب صغير, $
Credit Card, BankTransferطرق دفع شائعة
عملات الحساب
CDFs, currency pairsالصكوك الأخرى
English, Russian, Chineseاللغات
Meta Trader 4منصات
FSA UKاللائحة
1973تأسست في

تقييم Sucden

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وعلق السي الريس، رئيس تطوير الأعمال في FxPro، على عملية النقل قائلاً: "نحن متحمسون للانتقال إلى مكتبنا الجديد في دبي. ويضعنا هذا الموقع في قلب المركز المالي في المنطقة، مما يسمح لنا بخدمة عملائنا بشكل أكثر كفاءة. نحن لا نزال ملتزمين بتعزيز ظروفنا التجارية وبرنامج الشركاء، ودفع الابتكار في كل منعطف.